Sunday, September 27, 2009

Need Some Help Read Last Line

Sunday. Last day of holiday. It's a bitter sweet moment. On one hand, I get to see friends, do something other than channel surfing and talk about Radiah's most recent cockup. On the other hand, no more sleeping until 1, full 10 hours sleep and Facebook morning till night XD. Dunno which I'll miss most tomorrow...... Tomorrow, the form 5s will know how badly we did in the trail. Even with all the tips and cheats (there were answer sheets in the boy's bathroom on the 2nd and 3rd floor) I have no confidence...... But then hopefully there will be no more exams...... Thks whole holiday I didn't even study XP. I'm typing this whole blog on my dad's iphone, that's why the is only one paragraph. I can't seem to work out where the "enter" button is......


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