Saturday, August 27, 2011

Of Changing Personalities and Idiots

(Was meaning to post this up earlier but........ I got lazy XP This has been in my drafts for so damn long...)

The University of Melbourne must be understaffed. No, I'm not kidding.This semester, I have 3 of my old tutors. And the worst part: they had the audacity to ask for my name. Sigh.... I'm a different person in Uni than I was in high school.

In Malaysia, I was bold. I was active in class, though not for the right reasons I admit. And I could TALK to my classmates. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED!!??
In Uni, everyone minds their own business, those who are friends stay in their own cliques. Some of the Ang Mohs so stuck up also. Sigh.....

At the very least, they're just looking down on people, not being too big of an idiot. Cuz the idiot disease seems to be spreading far and wide.

First we have one moron in the Norway massacre, now we have thousands of morons running throughout England lighting houses on fire. Is the world just filled with idiots waiting in line? (I think I'm watching too much House...)

The London riots can be seen as one of the most obvious decline in humanity. How can the people from one of the most advance city on earth behave worst than animals? Stealing and looting while blaming the government for all their problems? Is that the kind of "forward" thinking we need? Asses.....

Remember when Japan got hit with the earthquake and people were too busy helping each other and such? In Western news, people were curious why there was no looting or destruction going on caused by the Japanese. Apparantely, there's a huge respect thing the Japanese believe when it comes to disasters and unfortunate events. If only we could of learned from them...

{Song in my Head}
~Pork and Beans by Weezer~
      "I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like,
           I'm finally dandy with the me inside;
                One look in the mirror and I'm tickled pink,
                      I don't give a hoot about what you think.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Semester, New Troubles, New Light

I love Holidays

I love Uni

But I hate to go to Uni after Hoildays....... D:

Another thing I hate more than Uni? Mornings

Now combine these two and Voilà! It's now evident that I'm not having the time of my life now.

Oh Mornings.... Y U COME SO EARLY!!??

 At least it's not all bad.

Snacks were on sale for the longest time, I bought so MUCH!!

 Now I have tons of junk food to ease the transition.

*Munches on a TimTam while opening a bag of Doritos*


On a more serious note, I'm not just a person who only complains and whines all the time. The are reasons behind my discourse.

I may hate going to school/college/uni but I usually suck it up for 1 reason: I LOVE learning. I just don't like the way it's taught. For example: I have a gigantic interest in History, but the way Sejarah is taught in school killed it for the longest time. However, last semester, I took a course on Human Ecological History and enjoyed it immensely!

Here's the difference between the two subjects:

In Sejarah, facts were shoved down my throat. I was taught how to feel and what I need to remember. I only studied this subjact to pass exams. IT was the type of thing that you had no choice of the matter. Like you needed to study, like you had to remember it. And that was the root of the problem. Remember. Not appreciate. Not enjoy. Remember. Gah!

In HEH, however, students were taught the events and ideas and they would be up to our own interpretation. There is no right answer. I have even read up on things myself that were not taught in class, just because I want to know more! MOAR!!! Curiosity killed the cat? Rubbish! Curiosity is what drives you forward!! (It also helped that I discovered Hetalia at that time too XP )

"Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs." 
~Albert Einstein~
Learning = LOVE!

Right now, I'm doing a Theology course called God and Natural Scinces. Will blog about THAT soon.

{Song in my Head}
~I See The Light by Mandy Moore and Zachery Levi~
     "All those days chasing down a daydream,
         All those years living in a blur;
             All that time never truly seeing,
                 Things, the way they were......"

PS: Did I mention I'm currently obsessed with the movie Tangled? Cuz I am. Zach Levi is my current celebrity crush....... *goes off to watch Tangled for the 50th time*

Happy 2nd Birthday!

FollowYourStomach turned 2 last month!!!

I'm so Happy!!

My baby is slowly growing up!
