Saturday, October 10, 2009

Extra Classes

Extra chem class rocks!!!! This is because we get to do more experiments!! Whee!!

On Thursday, 5S1 and 5S2 had a combined chem class. Attendence was horrible..... Most of the 5S1 came while most of 5S2 didn't. I wonder why......

The reason is because most who did not attend the class wore school T-shirts instead of school uniform. o.0 Apparently the "jaga" was ordered to not let anyone in without school uniforms. To quote him "Arahan ialah arahan". Pn Tee saw one of her favourite student outside and attempted to bring him in. Alas, it was all in vain as the guard stopped her and said "Arahan ialah arahan." I'm pretty sure half the class was outside.......

In Form 1 we learnt that adding water to anhydrous copper sulphate makes it change from white to blue. What we DIDN'T learn was how freakin' hot the reaction is. Pn Chin can be sadistic when she wants to. She asked a volunteer to come out and hold the bottom of the test tube......

Can't wait for class next Monday. We're gonna do Heat of Combustion!! Hopefully we won't burn the school down....

After class and feeling hungry, Ruth and I went to pizza hut!!!

Pizza's getting smaller..


We got a little creative...

On Friday was BIg L class. Since PMr was over at 9.30 that day I thought it would be fine to wear school T-shift. I was wrong. I was stopped by the guard who said his now infamous quote "Arahan ialah arahan". I had to get in with a visitor's slip.........

Later, most of the class went to makan...... First we went to McD but was full then we headed to a place called Manna Cafe.

Apparently this is a 5S1 haunt.

I've been outside this place before, but never went in because there were so many Africans...... But it seems that this place caters for them. I felt like Africa too. Lol.

There was "pengkhususan kerja" involved, The cooks were Africans while the waiters were Malay. Oh yeah, African bananas are HUGE (Shut up dirty minded people), they were the size of my arm!! OMG!!

Boys playing foosball...

Check This Out! ___/\___*\o/*___

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mooncake Festival

I thought I'd blog about something that happened during my weekend. Nothing is happening in school.

Mid-Autumn Festival, Lantern Festival......... Whatever you may call it, it will always be known as the Mooncake Festival to me. For obvious reasons. =w=

Lanterns on a tree....

It has been years since I last played with lanterns. I almost forgotten the feeling you get when hot candle wax drops on your finger. Almost.

After lighting and relighting them all, me (I was the oldest playing XP) and some other kids got bored and started doing this...

There's something mesmerizing about watching something burn...... Especially if it's not yours.

OH! Another thing we played was "Pop Pop". Whee. FOr those who don't know, pop pop is....well..... even I don't know what it is. Lol. You just throw is to the ground and it pops!! I like pressing it between my to someone's ear.......It has gotton expensive though.... A few years ago, one box cost 20 cents. Now, it's 50..... I've got one box left. Any takers...*Evil laugh*

Later, I did my favourite tradition of Mooncake festival. MAKAN!!!!

This is one tradition that I follow faithfully every year.

Overall, one of my most enjoyable weekends this year...... I got to eat mooncake, play lantern, eat mooncake, play with fire, eat mooncake, burn lantern and EAT MOONCAKE!! Lol

One final picture.....